When something goes wrong
If during processing of the command line some problem occurs, then the
system will throw an exception. Two different
exception classes are used, depending on the type of error:
A CLParseException
occurs when the user makes a mistake: an unknown option
is used, an option argument of the wrong type is entered, etc. Catching this exception
should provide the user with sufficient information on what she did wrong. For example:
public static void main(String[] args) {
HelloWorld myProgram = new HelloWorld();
CLManager clm = new CLManager (myProgram);
try {
myProgram.run ();
} catch (CLParseException ex) {
System.out.println (ex);
A CLDefinitionException
is thrown when the error is due to
some misconfiguration:
the programmer has used an @Option
and a @NotAnOption
for the same method, the same short option is configured for two different methods, etc. Usually
there is no point in catching an exception of this type for it always indicates a programming error.
The CLManager
class also provides a method getUsageMessage
which provides a rudimentary
'usage message' that lists all available options. This message can be printed along with the exception:
} catch (CLParseException ex) {
System.out.println (ex);
System.out.println (clm.getUsageMessage());
To take full advantage of this feature, you should give a one line description of each option, as part of its
annotation. For example:
@Option(description="Message to be repeated")
public void setMessage (String message) {
this.message = message;
description="How many times to repeat")
public void setTimes(int times) {
this.times = times;
now with argument
will display the following message:
Unknown option: -u
Valid options are:
--message Message to be repeated
-t, --times-to-repeat How many times to repeat
(The first line arises from the exception, the others are the 'usage' message.)